What is ticket sensitive data?
Ticket sensitive data module for WHMCS protect the support ticket sensitive data by creating secured custom fields and store the sensitive data encrypted in the database. Give your clients a safe system to send their sensitive data secured by using the ticket sensitive data module and creating secured custom fields for each support department and store the sensitive data encrypted in the database, also the module send notification email to client and staff every time a new sensitive data have been added or updated.
Why do you need it?
If you're running a hosting company or an IT company you really need to use our ticket sensitive data module. Most technology companies send sensitive data to their customer or receive sensitive data from their customers but is it safe to store the sensitive data in the database without encrypting the sensitive data that’s why we created the ticket sensitive data module. The ticket sensitive data module gives the administer the ability to create unlimited custom fields for each support department then the staff and clients can use this custom fields to send and receive sensitive data and all data will be stored encrypted in the database.
How it works?
After installing the ticket sensitive data module, the admin can setup the module and manage how it going to work. From configuration you can disable/enable staff and client email notification and attach data to staff and client email also allows staff and client edit data and select which language to use and set the color for the sensitive data fields allow delete sensitive data if ticket is closed. From departments you can create different fields for each department and create the fields with multi languages. If you add new field you can select two type of fields - text and textarea you can enter the display order and hide the field name from sensitive data form also you can disable or enable the field. If the client tries to open a ticket and want to change the department the field will update automatically. The admin can edit the email template for client and staff also the admin can view a list of all sensitive data stored in database.
- Staff and client email notification
- Attach data to staff and client email
- Allow staff and client edit data
- Delete sensitive data if ticket is closed
- Select which language to use and create fields with multi languages
- Box color for the sensitive data fields
- Update fields if department changed
- Create different fields for each department
- View list of all sensitive data stored in database
- Disable field if the ticket is closed and the option delete data uncheck
- Edit email templates
- Hide the field name from sensitive data form
- Two type of fields - text and textarea input
- Fields display order
- Disable or enable the field
If you purchase the source code license we will send you the download link to your PayPal payment email manually and this will take around 24 hours to be done.
Each license include 6 months updates access with the initial purchase. After the first 6 months, updates access can be optionally renewed to maintain access for 6 months.
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Version Compatibility
WHMCS v8.6
WHMCS v8.5
WHMCS v8.0 > WHMCS v8.4
v5.0.0 > v5.0.3
WHMCS v7.8 > WHMCS v7.10
WHMCS v7.6 > WHMCS v7.9
WHMCS v7.5
v3.0.1 > v3.1.1
WHMCS v7.0 > WHMCS v7.4
WHMCS v6.0
v1.0.0 > v2.0.0
WHMCS v5.0
Product Requirements
v5.1.0 > v5.2.1
- PHP 7.2+
- IonCube Loader
- WHMCS v8.0 and latest
v3.0.1 > v5.0.3
- PHP 5.6+ and PHP 7+
- IonCube Loader v10.1.0+
v1.0.0 > v2.0.0
v5.2.1 Released December 17th, 2022
- Support WHMCS V8.6.x
- Support for PHP 8.1
v5.2.0 Released August 20th, 2022
- Improve modal dialog
- Added color pick for client area modal dialog
- Fixed mail function for WHMCS v8.5
- Fixed TPL files for twenty one template
v5.1.0 Released September 22nd, 2020
- Added support to WHMCS v8.0 and PHP v7.4
- Fixed mail function
- Added alert message if there are no field in department
v5.0.3 Released July 8th, 2020
- Bug Fix modal loading if editing field
- Improve license system
v5.0.2 Released June 6th, 2020
- New prevent email from saving in log
- New email template custom merge fields
- Bug Fix allow staff add/view sensitive data if staff not allowed from access control
v5.0.1 Released May 4th, 2020
- Improve the modal UI
- Improve modal loading
- Bug Fix department id to redirect admin to the department page
- Bug Fix loading modal with module header
- Bug Fix modal close button with smartphones
v5.0.0 Released April 20th, 2020
- Rewrite the code from scratch
- Improve the UI for admin area
- Improve if the ticket is closed the sensitive data will be deleted
- New move emails to WHMCS email templates
- New attach data to staff and client Email
- New allow staff and client edit the sensitive data
- New color picker for fields box, name and description
- New if department changed also the fields change
- New disable field if the ticket is closed and the option delete data uncheck
- New hide the field name from sensitive data form
- Removed the email templates from the module
- Removed use support department email as default sender
v4.0.3 Released August 10th, 2018
- Update font awesome icons to v5
- Added support to WHMCS v7.6 and PHP v7.2
v4.0.0 Released May 24th, 2017
- Rewrite the module from scratch
- Support WHMCS 7 and PHP7
- Improve the UI for admin area
- New send and store data for client
- New email alert when data stored
- New multi language for email
- New custom integration for buttons and fields
- New use the support department email as default sender
- New select desired language
- Bug fixed, stability improvements
v3.1.1 Released March 21st, 2017
v3.1.0 Released December 23rd, 2016
- Improve the UI for the sensitive data box
- Improve the posted date
- Improve the license call
- Improve the sensitive data button it will show after installing
- Improve the sensitive data fields it will show after installing
- New send sensitive data to client from admin area ticket reply
- Fixed a bug while updating the module
v3.0.1 Released October 5th, 2016
- Updated template file to work on WHMCS v7
- Fixed a small bug with admin language
v3.0.0 Released July 11th, 2015
- Update module to support WHMCS v6
- Fixed small bugs
- Added multi language custom fields
- Updated the templates files for WHMCS v6
v2.0.0 Released November 13th, 2014
- Rewrite the module from scratch
- Added custom fields
- Added email template to edit the email that will be sent to staff
- Added enable/disable deleting the data with daily cron job
- Added a page to show the ticket that still have sensitive data that is not deleted
- Added show number of data in the button that is in the admin ticket page
- Replaced our encode/decode function with WHMCS function
- Moved the option to the admin module output
v1.1.0 Released August 18th, 2013
- Added 3 options for sensitive data - send data, store data, or both
- Added the ability to not delete the tables from the database if the module is deactivated
- Encrypt the data in the database with strong encryption
- Added a button in the admin area ticket view to display the sensitive data from the database
- Display the data from the database by date and time
- Delete sensitive data by daily cron job if the ticket is closed
v1.0.0 Released August 4th, 2013