Discord Notifications
Discord Notifications
Activate discord notifications
Configure discord notifications
Edit notifications rules
Notifications on discord app

Discord is a small group of passionate gamers whose mission is to bring people together around games. Diversity and inclusiveness are a critical part of how we get there. We believe that with diversity comes a better product, better decisions, and a better work environment. Everyone here is committed to making Discord representative of the world we want to live and play in.

This module only work for admin staff it don't work for your clients

The unofficial Discord notifications module for WHMCS give you the ability to receive notifications with a setting rules that you can setup from the notifications section in WHMCS admin area. From the notifications section you can create a new notification rule form there you can select a rule name and choose an event also you may select multiple events within any given event category for example ticket,invoice,order,service,domain and API. You can apply some conditions to the notification to restrict when the rule is executed.

To start using the Discord notifications module you need to register at Discord website https://discordapp.com and create a Webhook by going to Server Settings > Webhooks then enter in the Discord notifications module also you can add a username for the sender and embed color with decimal code.



  • Specify the username
  • Select the embed color



If you purchase the source code license we will send you the download link to your PayPal payment email manually and this will take around 24 hours to be done.
Each license include 6 months updates access with the initial purchase. After the first 6 months, updates access can be optionally renewed to maintain access for 6 months.

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Version Compatibility


WHMCS v8.4 > WHMCS v8.6


WHMCS v8.0 > WHMCS v8.3


WHMCS v7.4 > WHMCS v7.9

Product Requirements

v1.1.0 > v1.1.1

  • PHP 7.2+
  • IonCube Loader
  • WHMCS v8.0 and latest
  • Discord Webhooks


  • PHP 7.0+
  • IonCube Loader v10.1.0+
  • Discord Webhooks


v1.1.1 Released December 19th, 2022

  • Support WHMCS V8.6.x
  • Support for PHP 8.1

v1.1.0 Released September 4th, 2020

  • Added support to WHMCS v8.0 and PHP v7.4

v1.0.0 Released May 20th, 2018

  • Version 1.0.0 Release


Use, by you in a single domain which you need a license key to activate. The total price includes the item price and 6 months updates.

Price is in US dollars.

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Product Information





Last Update:

December 19, 2022


May 20, 2018

Files Included:

js, html, css, php

Compatible Browsers:

Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari