Search Engine Friendly URLs are where a URL which once was "/index.php?m=page&display=How-do-I-access-my-control-panel" becomes "/How-do-I-access-my-control-panel.html".

  1. To enable SEF URLs, first check and ensure you have mod_rewrite installed on your server
  2. Next go to Addons > Pages Manager > Settings and tick the box for "Page SEO Friendly URLs"
  3. Finally, you must also rename the file named htaccess.txt to .htaccess. in your root WHMCS directory

Add the code below to .htaccess file

# Pages Manager SEO
RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)\.html$ ./index.php?m=page&display=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)/\.html$ ./index.php?m=page&display=$1 [NC,L]